Book of Eli review
When I began watching this film, the only question on my mind was is this going to be Denzel Washington's one bad film. The answer to that question is no this movie is probably his best film. This movie takes place in a post apocalyptic America. Where Eli played by Denzel Washington is a traveler who posses the last Bible on earth. Now first off Denzel Washington was outstanding in this film. His character was virtually unstoppable throughout the entirety of the film. He had about seven men shooting at him and they all missed.Thats just how unbeatable Eli is throughout the entire movie. Another thing this movie has going for is the bone crushing action scenes. Most of these epic fights are Eli out number seven to one and he still manages to come away with only a little blood on his knife.. This movie is violent and gory, but that just makes it so realistic. When you first see Eli rummaging through a dead body for supplies, you realize just how dark of a film this is. With such an intense story most people would probably mark this one off their watch list but please don't. Over all this movie is very intense and thrilling from start to finish.Its good for a Friday night thriller that will leave you in awe. I'm giving it a 9 out of 10. The only problem i have with it is that its not a movie I could watch at any time. Its probably a one time watch but that one time is an amazing time. So in conclusion check out Book of Eli as soon as you can. I won't disappoint you in anyway and will give you an appreciation for the little things like clean water. Book of Eli is a must see for anyone who calls himself a film fanatic
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