Jack and Jill Movie Review
Jack and Jill is about a brother and sister that get together for the holidays. Now Jack is a successful business man and Jill is the exact opposite she is a slob, annoying and grotesque. I went into this movie optimistic not expecting it to be good or bad. Frankly i was just hoping for a time killer, but instead it was a complete waste of time. Honestly this movie is dreadful probably the worst movie of this year. Its supposed to be a comedy, but I'm pretty sure comedies are funny and this movie isn't at all. None of the jokes work and some jokes are just gross. I knew going into an Adam Sandler movie that it was going to be hit or miss, but i never realized that this movie could be so awful. First off the acting in this movie seems like every other Adam Sandler film the same old actors, the same voices and the same crappy jokes. The standard films like Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison and Anger Management set was apparently to high for any other one of his films to reach or at least get close to. This movie needed many things to get it to a descent level like Bill Murray with a proton pack destroying everything. Seriously this movie should be used to interrogate people. Get a Terrorist in a room start playing Jack and Jill and he will create a power point presentation for every single question you have. Water boarding will seem like a relief to these men they might start asking for it. In conclusion if you are considering watching this movie after reading this review then you should probably check yourself into the nearest mental institute. First tell them your sane, then tell them you wanted to see Jack and Jill the will have no problem committing you. So Jack and Jill gets a 1 out of 10 in this reviewers eyes. Jack and Jill will most likely cause your eyes to implode and your ears to bleed until God decides to put you out of your misery.
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