Green Lantern Movie Review
When rumors first arose of one of my favorite superhero's would be receiving their own movie I was ecstatic. Green Lantern is such a dynamic character. He is cynical and sarcastic in retrospect he is my kind of guy. In all honesty i wasn't that pleased with the film itself mostly pertaining to the plot. The plot itself isn't very interesting and for me doesn't really have to do with green lantern. Most of this film takes place on Earth and if you know anything about Green Lantern you should know that a vast majority of what he does take place in space. He is the guardian of a huge sector of the universe not just Earth. In addition our main hero is played by Ryan Reynolds. He was one of the few characters I actually enjoyed watching. He was a perfect fit for this character he captured every aspect of Green Lantern that I could want. As for Peter Sarsgard's character Hector, I really could have done without him. When he died at the end i was extremely happy because he was just annoying. His character was just so needy they made him way to jealous over such a stupid thing. Oh i didn't get any love from my father, who cares Hector you big headed freak. Another thing as the film went on his head got bigger. Seriously it got gross some moments i was waiting for it to explode. He reminds me of Freaky Fred from Courage the Cowardly Dog. A giant head, talks to himself and people are afraid of him wow that's a close match. Other than the lack luster cast this movie also disappoints in CGI work. Through out the entire movie it seems like Ryan Reynolds is being consumed by a green blob. Another good comparison would be the scene of the Dark Knight where all the jail guards are surrounding the guy with a phone in his chest. That's what the Green Lantern chest reminds me of I'm just waiting for someone to make their phone call. Also the color green used for his suit reminds me of the Eco plasma from Ghostbusters. What you should get out of this is that Bill Murray was the first Green Lantern. I can imagine him now Sinestro" you are a disgrace to his memory for wearing his ring". Bill Murray" yeah you too pal". He is now officially casted for the retired Green Lantern movie. Who ya gonna call, Green Lantern! In conclusion I'm am now excited for the second Green Lantern movie hopefully they can attempt to make Green Lantern more like Batman. Sinestro is going to be an awesome villain for the next film if they make him like the Joker dark. Green Lantern gets a 4 out of 10 poor Ryan Reynold such a good job in this movie to bad everyone else didn't get the memo that it was supposed to be kinda serious. So instead of watching this watch Batman because Batman is what is right with the world.
In Addition due to constant nagging of one of my fans. Michael Clarke Duncan rest in peace your part was actually decent. To bad you couldn't have had a bigger role in this movie.
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