This list is comprised of my favorite movies of all time. My list was determined on account of two factors the re watch factor and Story or plot factor. The first factor is basically could I watch this again or how often do I watch it. The second factor is basically do I get engaged to whats going on does the story become so interesting to where I ignore everything around me. A good movie should have both of these things.
Lets begin with #10 The Shawshank Redemption

#9 Back to the Future Trilogy
The Back to the Future series is just one for the ages. I haven't found one person that doesn't like these movies. These movies bring us some of the greatest quotes of all time. Great Scott!!!
#8 Forrest Gump |
This movie brings so many memorable quotes and moments and is one of the funniest movies of all time. Its safe to say that they average person has seen this movie at least 3 times if not more. Honesty I could watch this movie any time and never get bored.
#7 Mission Impossible 3
One of greatest thrill rides of all time. This movie kept me guessing from begging to end. Tom Cruise is probably my favorite actor so having him kill people makes everything better. Everytime I watch it I still get sucked into the plot and it always suprises me.
#6 Gladiator
One word Russel Crowe. This movie is one of the greatest of all time. Give Russel Crowe a sword and say kill these men and you have a hit. After I first watched this movie I immediately turned it on again. It never gets old, in fact i love it more every time i see it.
#5 Hoosiers
Hoosiers is my favorite sports of all time. Gene Hackman does a fantastic job and the story entertains me every time. I literally watched this movie four times one day.
#4 Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
Out of all the Star Wars films this is the most memorable. One of the greatest quotes of all time " Luke I am your father" how can you not love it. The fight scenes in this film keep you at the edge of your seat and make you want to watch it over again. Empire Strikes back equals pure magic
#3 Avengers
Marvels the Avengers was one of my most anticipated movies of 2012. I saw this movie four times in theaters and loved everytime more and more. Im so excited to own this movie so i can watch it even more.
#2 Star Trek every one of them
That right Star Trek film series. These movies are just awesome. They may get corny at times but are awesome. The new one in particular I can watch over and over.
#1 The Dark Knight Trilogy
This may be a bit obvious but I'm huge batman fan. Batman has blow my mind from the first time I saw the animated series. I watch these movies all the time and plan to own all of them. I quote these movies just about every day and work on my Joker impression almost every day. So in conclusion I love Batman
Lots of you are probably wondering wheres Lord Of the Rings?!?!?!?!?!? Well I love those movies but I cant just sit down and watch them once a week like some of these movies. Great movies but they are Ben Hur great I can appreciate them but cant watch them but once a year.
- This movie is one of the greatest films of all time. Why isn't higher on my list well its because its not a movie I'm dying to watch again right after I watch it. Now its story will suck you in right from the beginning. I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it so here at number ten is the Shawshank Redemption.
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