Thursday, September 6, 2012

Classic Movie Wednesday #5 The Sound of Music

Sound of Music Movie Review
This film is highly regarded as one of the best films of all time. An instant classic most will say. Unlike my peers i didn't enjoy this film as much as i anticipated. So if you love this movie honestly you could hate me after this, but please listen to all of the points i make through out this review. For those who haven't viewed it please understand this is my opinion therefore in order for you to understand whether you like it or not you should view it for yourself. Let me first begin by talking about the plot, its about a nun who suddenly decides she doesn't want to be a nun and becomes a families nanny. Throughout her stay she teaches the kids to sing and grow closer as a family. Honestly what does this have to do with music? I understand its a musical but seriously why not call it The Nun reject or The Nanny. In addition this film takes place in World War Two, now that's what they should have put more emphasis on. Have the family grow closer but have more Nazis. Our main character Maria is played by Julie Andrews. Julie Andrews is the only reason this movie is descent. Her voice is impeccable and her acting was great. For the other characters they are easily forgettable, about thirty minutes after viewing this is forgot everyone of these kids names. In continuation the songs in this film get stuck in you head. That doesn't make them good though the opening song could easily be like the call me maybe song not great at all but still gets stuck in your head. Believe it or not the nuns actually have a song number and honestly it was bad. If they remake this film they should have the nuns sing Like a Virgin or Love Stinks that would make this epic. In conclusion the sound of music is an okay movie. It gets a 5 out of 10 its okay but one more song number away from awful. What could have made this better? For starters better actors to play the kids or better yet a movie with just Julie Andrews. If you want to make it a classic make the father Adam West and tell him he is Batman. He could show the kids how to use Shark  repellent. So if you want a descent time watch The Sound of Music on a day you have nothing to do.

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